Adam Joseph Johnson

Throwing seedballs

30 May: Target Practice for the Planet: How Seedballs Kenya is Reforesting with Precision

Picture a world where every gunshot plants a tree, where instead of heralding destruction, it signals the birth of new life. Well, that’s a tad dramatic, perhaps, but then we are in the business of saving the planet here. And today, we’re hopping onto a flight of fancy to the captivating land of Kenya, a country known for its stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife. But, alas, not everything is rosy in the garden…or should we say, not in the ‘forest’.

Recycled Bottles 2

26 May: From Linear to Green: Transforming the Supply Chain for a Sustainable Future

The traditional supply chain is as linear as an arrow. It follows a strict path: from raw material extraction, straight through manufacturing, dashing through distribution, and finally face-planting into a landfill. Like a solo marathon runner whose only destination is exhaustion, it’s a one-way, non-stop trip to obsolescence.